Minneapolis Event: B2B Marketing in the Age of AI – How to Prepare Your Data for AI-Driven Success

Lunch & Learn

Join us for an exclusive B2B Marketing Executive Lunch and Learn at Hewing Hotel, North Loop on October 3rd! 


This event promises valuable networking, knowledge-sharing from industry leaders, and an in-depth exploration of how B2B Marketing teams are <actually> leveraging AI to drive better outcomes. You’ll leave equipped with ideas for implementing AI tools today…and a roadmap for preparing your organization and internal data resources to maximize the impact of AI as we head into 2025 and beyond.



Tailored specifically for B2B marketers, our agenda aims to energize and inspire you in this new era of AI-driven B2B go-to-market, over a delicious lunch provided by Hewing Hotel, North Loop.


Hear from experts in B2B marketing about tools you can use today – and how you should be preparing your organization’s B2B data to make the most of AI tools into the future.  


⏱ 12:00 CST

Greetings, Introductions, and Menu Review


⏱ 12:15 – 12:25 CST

Icebreaker Polling


⏱ 12:25 – 12:45 CST

The Best of AI in B2B Marketing Today


⏱ 12:45 – 1:15 CST

How to Maximize AI Impact Going Forward


⏱ 1:15-1:30 CST

Dessert & Open Q/A




Steph Lang

Head of Sales & Account


3 October 2024


12:00 PM EST


Hewing Hotel, North Loop
300 N Washington Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55401


Hewing Hotel, North Loop
12:00 - 1:30 PM
300 N Washington Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55401